Thursday, March 1, 2012


1) Provide a breif description of the activity. Who did you work with? What did you build? What challenges did you overcome to succesfully craft your aircraft? This project was to see who could make the best plane we started from the materials given and used the diagram to assemble it, I worked with Timmy and Justin and we over came the prop mount from scooting back and making the prop hit the frame by recessing it into the frame. we took out the wing mount because it was a weak point and did a direct mount wich was simple and affective and it did alright we could have don alot better but was a decent build!

2) Post a photo of your glider under construction.

3) Post a photo of your finished design.

4) Describe how you tested your aircraft and tuned its flight characteristics.
we didnt have much time for testing seeing that we finished our aircraft the same day of our competition but we threw it from the second story to see how it flew and made corrections for balance using tape.
5) Describe how well your aircraft flew in our competition. Did you win any events (furthest distance, longest time aloft)? Were you competative in our best decorated flier competition? we had the furthest distance the first throw and then everything went down hill from there sadly haha.

6) Pick three steps from the PLTW 12 step design process and describe how your team worked through these during the course of this experience. we brained stormed,modeled and prototyped, and tested and evaluated.

1 comment:

  1. Great picks on design steps. Can you describe how you applied them?

    Thanks for sharing your experience.
